Keep Your Child Safe!
CCFD provides specialized fire safety education for at-risk children ages 2-17 with an interest in or a history of starting fires, initiating bomb threats, creating destructive incendiary devices or pulling fire alarms.
Referred youth and families attend a family-oriented Firesetter Intervention Workshop and participate in discussions, intervention activities and video presentations. The duration of the workshop is approximately two hours in length, with additional follow-up and resources provided to families as needed.
Any parent or guardian may refer a child to the Juvenile Firesetter Prevention and Intervention Program by contacting us here.
- Children " playing" with fire start over 100,000 reported fires annually in the United States.
- Yearly, fires set by youth cause an estimated 350 deaths and over 3,000 injuries.
- Fire protection costs and property loss attributed to youth-set fires exceeds $350 million annually.
- More than 50% of persons arrested for arson are under 18 years old.
- Almost 7% of youth arrested for arson are under the age of 10!
- More than 80% of children who set fires will be repeat offenders if left untreated.
- If united, a community or region can address the existing needs communicated by children and youth through their fire setting behavior.